
Hola! - Born in Southern California to Samoan Mother, Dutch father, my brother and I soon had a childhood babysitter known as Esperanza Pino, a retired Mexican lady. She was a legend of a lady; so wonderful that before long she became Grandma Espe or just Grandma to our family.

Grandma was a constant in our lives taking care of my brother and I from a very
young age, where we grew up on her sopitas (Spanish rice), quesadillas, her
delicious chilli (her version of chilli con carne), and best of all was her salsa – Pico de Gallo, which was to die for! She made flour and corn tortillas so there was always a burrito or enchilada to eat, loaded with her salsa of course. Our diet was very much influenced by Grandma’s cooking, which our family loved!

Our family left the US and moved to Samoa in 1994 and I continued to keep the
connection being fortunate enough to visit her a few times. Her food was something that I cherish, with fond memories of its freshness and enchanting tastes. Sadly in 2019 Grandma passed away at the age of 98.

Grandma had known that I made her Sopita and Pico de Gallo Salsa over the years for my family and friends to enjoy. I was always receiving compliments especially on the Salsa, and questions on how it was made. So, to honour my late Grandma Espe, to whom I am grateful for her love and dedication to my family, I am sharing food with others to enjoy and experience the epic taste that is Grandmas Recipes.

‘Welcome to the family’

Dedicated to Grandma with love!